go ahead – lemme have it . . .

. . . yeah – this is a request for a book review.

I’m working away at Volume II of my next banjo book and am very interested in feedback on Volume I

I’ve gotten some really nice reviews but I can always use more!

Product reviews are pretty important to potential customers on Amazon. Reviews will also give me feedback on what people think of my approach to teaching the five string banjo.

So – to anyone out there who has purchased either of my books on Amazon (including one person who bought the book over there in Denmark!):

I would GREATLY appreciate a few minutes of your time if you could write a helpful and relevant review of your purchase based on your honest opinion and experience. To find where to leave a review just log in to your Amazon account and find your order. Under “Order Details” there is a box to click to “Write a product review” that will take you to the right place. 

Also feel free to contact me directly with questions, comments or complaints – I’m always ready to listen – just email them to me at  jeff.belding@yahoo.com

Thank you!