I am now offering 5 string banjo, guitar, and mandolin lessons on-line. I taught in upstate NY for over 40 years, but since relocating to the southwest, I haven’t had the right setting or technology to be able to offer private lessons – until now!
I do teach many genres of guitar from “Rock to Bach” as they say, but currently, I get the most inquires for Flatpick Guitar (see my books on the home page).
If you sign up for banjo lessons as a beginner, I require the purchase of my banjo book “New Techniques for 5 String Banjo Volume 1.” You can order any of my books from Amazon.com. (eg. Jeff Belding New Techniques for 5-String Banjo, or Bluegrass Flatpick Guitar, Solos Licks and Tricks, and Bluegrass Mandolin, Solos Licks and Tricks).
Lessons are one-on-one using Skype – so you will need access to a computer with a decent internet connection that has this software on it.
Cost? The base price is $40 for a 55 minute lesson. Usually, one signs up for an initial lesson for the $40. If you wish to continue, you sign up for four lessons in a row at the cost of $160. Payment is through Pay Pal or Venmo.
If you are interested please email me at jeff.belding@yahoo.com with the following information: your name, instrument, musical experience and what you would like to learn. I will be in touch with you to work out a regular day and time and any other details.