Hello to all my east-coast friends, new friends, and any future friends!
As always, good music follows us wherever we go. Edwina (a.k.a. “Mary”) has been learning electric bass as a second instrument. First, she started sitting in at our local jam on her bass. Then, she got an offer to play bass for a local country band here in Phoenix. Through all these side gigs, she still manages to find the time to keep my website alive and kickin’.
We had a nice get-together recently of a 5-piece bluegrass “experiment.” It consisted of a husband – wife guitar/mandolin team, a husband – wife guitar/banjo/bass team (that would be us), and a fiddle player. We had a great sound going, so we hope it turns into a more regular happening.
I have been keeping busy writing about a myriad of topics, much of it from my distant past. Fortunately (at least for me), I’ve been able to come up with some really old tapes of me and various bandmates trying to make a go of Rock ’n Roll, and at times running rather rough-shod in the process. Oh well, it’s all in good fun, and I invite you all to have a good laugh at my expense when you hear these dusty, old tapes.
Looking ahead, I’m starting work on some Christmas duets for banjo and guitar. (Wait…What? It’s not even Halloween! ). I think most of my former students will find them relatively easy to learn, and hopefully it’s motivation to find someone to team up with to play this stuff.
Recently, we just picked up a web cam so I can do some Skype teaching. Once I get this situation set up, I will be trying some experimental (and free for a while) Skype lessons. And so, I would like to invite anyone, or maybe a group of folks to be subjects of my (dangerous?) experiments in the world of Skype.
I have most of the material now for Volume 2 of my banjo series, currently in “pen and ink” form. If the formatting process goes smoothly, I could have it ready to go “sometime” in 2020.
I’m making some giant steps – for me that is – to come into the world of social networking. I’m on Twitter at JeffBelding@Jeffsintune, and have a Facebook Page – “Jeff Belding Music Along the Way”. I’m also now on LinkedIn. Wow that is a lot for this analog man, but I would love to connect with you all in any or all of those formats. Of course, my website jeffbelding.com or musicalongtheway.com has a way to subscribe to my blog, more information about my book “New Techniques for 5 String Banjo,” and music for free and for sale. Please visit and tell your friends!
As always, I want to re-affirm my gratitude to all of my students and friends for your continued support of this venture I have undertaken. When it comes to music, I’ll never run out of stuff to write or talk about. I hope I’ll have a little something for everyone as time goes on. Meanwhile, keep your ears open and your instrument in tune and ready to go! Love and high notes to all,
Jeff B.